Monday, April 23, 2007

Meeting in the next couple weeks!

Hi all, we are trying to decide on a meeting place and time for our first meeting. Some place where we can talk and relax - I had thought of Panera Bread or one of the Starbucks here in Lynchburg - but if there are folks from bedford or charlottesville interested, please let me know...any afternoons that are bad or times that are best???

peace, scott


Ryan Litwiller said...

Thursday works great for me.

heretical hermeneutcs said...

Thursday would work for me. I have thought about trying to start a cohort here in southwest Va, but folks here are all excited about this new phenomena called mega churches which should give you some idea what the lay of the land is. Bedford would work well for me, but hey I'm a guy who drove to San Antonio to hear Len Sweet talk about the emerging church. And I'm glad somebody else thinks Strabucks is a good idea. Is there one in Bedford? Tony