Wednesday, April 25, 2007

first gathering...

hello everyone - there has been a lot of interest, and I have spent the morning trying to work out a meeting location that would be fair to everyone. There seems to be a lot of you that are in the Southwest area and Roanoke is going to work out best for you...but that also puts a strain on those who are from other here is the compromise:

for the first meeting of the Central VA group I would like to encourage everyone to attend that is able to - with the understanding that this Fall a group in Southwest VA will be starting up and we will split up into more convenient meeting locations.

soooo (drum-roll please) the Central Virginia Emergent Cohort of Emergent Village will be meeting at Norm's Bar and Grille located on the terrace level of Faria's Twin Oaks Restaurant in Forest, VA at 7:00 on Thursday afternoon May 3rd.
Dress casual and prepare to play some pool.

directions are on the web site:

please let us know how many will be attending by replying to this post (rather than emailing me)
however, please feel free to email if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.


At Sanity's Edge said...

I had never heard of this "emergent cohort" thing until just now when I saw an announcement on I've been checking out the website and everything I read was EXACTLY how I feel. Since moving here to Lynchburg I have visited a few churches (some "mega-churches") and something just didn't seem quite "right" about it. Everything felt fake and cheesy. Also, I don't seem to fit the mold of the typical Lynchburg church member so I often get rejected by the others. I would love to attend one of these meetings!

Scott Childress said...

we would love to have you join us - its our first meeting, so it should be an adventure. welcome to the conversation.